Customer ID: 123456789

My Field Preferences
Account Type
Sub Type
Account Number
Customer ID
First Name
Last Name
Market Segment

WI-598713-08DEC15 Work Manager Suspended  

This New Account Opening / Non-Retirement task in the One Day Queue was last updated by Craig WilsononJan 14, 2015 - 4:07pm. The current status is NIGO. The last event to occur on this work item wasNote Added.
Account Number:56496534
Customer Type:Retail - Retail
Hidden Empty Field 1:NULL - VALUE
Hidden Empty Field 2:NULL - VALUE
Market Segment:PREMIUM - Premium
Originator:BRANCH - Branch
Hidden Empty Field 3:NULL - VALUE
Hidden Empty Field 4:NULL - VALUE
Line of Business:RETAIL - Retail
Communication Type:MAIL - Mail
Hidden Empty Field 5:NULL - VALUE
Hidden Empty Field 6:NULL - VALUE
Line of Business:RETAIL - Retail
Communication Type:MAIL - Mail
Hidden Empty Field 7:NULL - VALUE
Hidden Empty Field 8:NULL - VALUE

profile-picture profile-picture
Director, Virtual Reality
Wed. 6:36 PM | 8-537-4100
Wendy C.

Sed venenatis dui non blandit semper. Proin sed ullamcorper arcu, et ullamcorper mauris. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nullam vitae efficitur urna. Integer vitae mi commodo, porttitor nulla vitae, sollicitudin eros. Proin eu tempus tortor, vitae bibendum est. Nam placerat hendrerit rhoncus. Ut finibus, orci ut euismod gravida, felis elit lobortis purus, eget bibendum tortor sapien sit amet turpis. Integer porttitor ligula ac felis imperdiet volutpat. Praesent sit amet libero id eros convallis fringilla tempus vitae est. Quisque gravida maximus rhoncus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec eget felis dictum, aliquam nunc vitae, pharetra dolor. Aenean sapien erat, molestie sit amet faucibus non, pharetra a dui. Aenean ut venenatis dolor, et volutpat odio. Nam ultrices gravida ligula sed porta.

Event: Linked Work Item | Wed. August 31, 2016 | 08:30 AM

Craig Wilson

Sed venenatis dui non blandit semper. Proin sed ullamcorper arcu, et ullamcorper mauris. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nullam vitae efficitur urna. Integer vitae mi commodo, porttitor nulla vitae, sollicitudin eros. Proin eu tempus tortor, vitae bibendum est. Nam placerat hendrerit rhoncus. Ut finibus, orci ut euismod gravida, felis elit lobortis purus, eget bibendum tortor sapien sit amet turpis. Integer porttitor ligula ac felis imperdiet volutpat. Praesent sit amet libero id eros convallis fringilla tempus vitae est. Quisque gravida maximus rhoncus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec eget felis dictum, aliquam nunc vitae, pharetra dolor. Aenean sapien erat, molestie sit amet faucibus non, pharetra a dui. Aenean ut venenatis dolor, et volutpat odio. Nam ultrices gravida ligula sed porta.

Event: Linked Work Item | Mon. September 10, 2016 | 11:30 AM

communications 12
  1. profile-picture Mar 1, 2016 12:59 PM

    Node: Value Queue: Value Event: Value Type: Value Subtype: Value
    Status: Value Status: Value Memo: Value Split: Value Suspend: Value
    Memo: This is a complete memo and has many characters long, super long...
  2. profile-picture Mar 1, 2016 08:35 AM

    Node: Value Queue: Value Event: Value Type: Value Subtype: Value
    Status: Value Status: Value Memo: Value Split: Value Suspend: Value
    Memo: This is a complete memo and has many characters long, super long...
  3. Mar 1, 2016 08:35 AM
    Node: Value Queue: Value Event: Value Type: Value Subtype: Value
    Status: Value Status: Value Memo: Value Split: Value Suspend: Value
    Memo: This is a complete memo and has many characters long, super long...

Work Item # Last Name Item Type Subtype Status Relationship Description
WI-234581-01JAN16 Smith DSPLT1 TOA NIGO Split Related to WI-123456-03DEC16
WI-123456-07DEC18 Jones DSPLT1 Transferred to Operations Work Item Related to customers beneficiaries
WI-123456-07OCT22 Brown DSPLT1 Default Closed Document Related to WI-123456-07DEC18

related work items
Matching ACT#
Work Item # Last Name Item Type Subtype Status Relationship Description
WI-234581-01JAN16 Smith DSPLT1 TOA NIGO Split Related to WI-123456-03DEC16
WI-123456-07DEC18 Jones DSPLT1 Transferred to Operations Work Item Related to customers beneficiaries
WI-123456-07OCT22 Brown DSPLT1 Default Closed Document Related to WI-123456-07DEC18
Matching ID/SSN
Work Item # Last Name Item Type Subtype Status Relationship Description
WI-234581-01JAN16 Smith DSPLT1 TOA NIGO Split Related to WI-123456-03DEC16
WI-123456-07DEC18 Jones DSPLT1 Transferred to Operations Work Item Related to customers beneficiaries
WI-123456-07OCT22 Brown DSPLT1 Default Closed Document Related to WI-123456-07DEC18

Prototype Design and Developed by Craig Wilson | UX UI Architect XTRAC 2016-2021