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Vertebrate-habitat relationships: Logistic regression models predict probability of occurrence of bird and small mammal species in western Oregon

Metadata Viewer

Local Identifier: knb-lter-and.3147.6
Title: Vertebrate-habitat relationships: Logistic regression models predict probability of occurrence of bird and small mammal species in western Oregon
Alternate Identifier: WE027

Logistic regression models predicting probability of occurrence of bird and of small-mammal species were produced using animal-habitat data sets from throughout western Oregon (Garman and Cole 1999 - Vertebrate Habitat Relationships Data Bank (VHRDB), Report to Coastal Landscape Analysis and Modeling Study). Regression coefficients, variables, and metrics related to model predictions are provided here under Entity 1, and in VHRDB as VERTLOGR.

Publication Date: 2013-07-08
Time Period:
People and Organizations:
Contact: Information Manager (LTER Network Office) [  email ]
Contact: Information Manager [  email ]
Contact: Henshaw, Donald L.  [  email ]
Organization Andrews Forest LTER Site
Owner: Test
Associate: Garman, Steven L.
Associate: Garman, Steven L.
Data Entities:
Data Table Name:
Data Table Description:
Vertebrate Logistic Regression Models:
Data: https://pasta.lternet.edu/package/data/eml/knb-lter-and/3147/6/8342bfbf4fa8a1b25a1cab0a907a0b64
Name: WE02701
Identifier: 1
Description: Vertebrate Logistic Regression Models:
Number of Records: 60
Number of Columns: 18
Primary Key:
Key: WE02701.SPECIES
Key: WE02701.TAXA
Not Null Constraint:
Key: WE02701.ABSENT
Key: WE02701.B0
Key: WE02701.B1
Key: WE02701.CE
Key: WE02701.CO
Key: WE02701.FORMAT
Key: WE02701.OM
Key: WE02701.PRESENT
Key: WE02701.SIGNIF
Key: WE02701.SPECIES
Key: WE02701.STCODE
Key: WE02701.TAXA
Key: WE02701.VAR1
Table Structure:
Object Name: WE02701_v2.csv
Text Format:
Number of Header Lines: 1
Record Delimiter: \r\n
Orientation: column
Simple Delimited:
Field Delimiter: ,
Quote Character: "

Data Use Agreement:

Any Andrews Experimental Forest data set and accompanying metadata available on these web pages can be downloaded for academic, research, recreational, and other professional purposes. Permission to download data sets is granted to the Data User without a fee subject to the following terms. The Data User will:

  • notify the designated contact (e.g., Principle Investigator or Data Set Contact) when any derivative work based on or derived from the data and documentation is distributed;
  • notify users that such derivative work is a modified version and not the original data and documentation distributed by the Andrews LTER;
  • not redistribute original data and documentation;
  • acknowledge the support of the Andrews LTER and appropriate NSF Grant numbers in any publications using these data and documentation. (See general acknowledgement below and see web page for specific data citation for each study data set);
  • send two reprints of any publications resulting from use of the data and documentation to the following address: Andrews Experimental Forest LTER Program, c/o Don Henshaw, Forestry Sciences Lab, 3200 SW Jefferson Way, Corvallis, OR 97331

By using or copying these data and documentation, the Data User agrees to abide by the terms of this agreement. The Andrews Experimental Forest LTER Site shall have the right to terminate this agreement immediately by written notice upon the Data User's breach of, or non-compliance with, any of its terms. The Data User may be held responsible for any misuse that is caused or encouraged by the Data User's failure to abide by the terms of this agreement. Thank you for your cooperation. We hope your collaboration with our site is a productive one!

Disclaimer: While substantial efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of data and documentation, complete accuracy of data sets cannot be guaranteed. All data are made available "as is". The Andrews Experimental Forest LTER shall not be liable for damages resulting from any use or misinterpretation of data sets.

General acknowledgement: Data were provided by the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest research program, funded by the National Science Foundation's Long-Term Ecological Research Program (DEB 08-23380), US Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station, and Oregon State University.

By Thesaurus:
Andrews Experimental Forest site thesaurus Animal-habitat modeling, Birds, Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER), Populations
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