Accounts Information (AISP)
Direct Debits
This is a paragraph that explains when you would want to use the Direct Debits so that you can be sure that your use case is correct. This is a paragraph that explains when you would want to use the Direct Debits so that you can be sure that your use case is correct. This is a paragraph that explains when you would want to use the Direct Debits so that you can be sure that your use case is correct.
Get Direct Debits
This is a paragraph that briefly explains the direct-debits operation, and tells you what you can do with it. This is a paragraph that briefly explains the direct-debits operation, and tells you what you can do with it.

REQUEST BODY SCHEMA: application/json;charset=utf-8 Example Request

Data Required Object (OBReadData1)
Risk Required Object (OBRisk2) The Risk section is sent by the initiating party to the ASPSP. It is used to specify additional details for risk scoring for Account Info.

REQUEST BODY SCHEMA: application/json;charset=utf-8 Example Request

ExpirationDateTime String Specified date and time the permissions will expire. If this is not populated, the permissions will be open ended. All dates in the JSON payloads are represented in ISO 8601 date-time format. All date-time fields in responses must include the timezone.
Example: 2017-04-05T10:43:07+00:00
Permissions Required Array of Strings Items Enum: "ReadAccountsBasic" "ReadAccountsDetail" "ReadBalances" "ReadBeneficiariesBasic" "ReadBeneficiariesDetail" "ReadDirectDebits" "ReadOffers" "ReadPAN" "ReadParty" "ReadPartyPSU" "ReadProducts" "ReadScheduledPaymentsBasic" "ReadScheduledPaymentsDetail" "ReadStandingOrdersBasic" "ReadStandingOrdersDetail" "ReadStatementsBasic" "ReadStatementsDetail" "ReadTransactionsBasic" "ReadTransactionsCredits" "ReadTransactionsDebits" "ReadTransactionsDetail" Specifies the Open Banking account access data types. This is a list of the data clusters being consented by the PSU, and requested for authorisation with the ASPSP.
TransactionFromDateTime String <date-time> Specified start date and time for the transaction query period. If this is not populated, the start date will be open ended, and data will be returned from the earliest available transaction. All dates in the JSON payloads are represented in ISO 8601 date-time format. All date-time fields in responses must include the timezone.
Example: 2017-04-05T10:43:07+00:00.
TransactionFromDateTime String <date-time> Specified end date and time for the transaction query period. If this is not populated, the end date will be open ended, and data will be returned to the latest available transaction. All dates in the JSON payloads are represented in ISO 8601 date-time format. All date-time fields in responses must include the timezone.
Example: 2017-04-05T10:43:07+00:00
Risk Required String <date-time> The Risk section is sent by the initiating party to the ASPSP. It is used to specify additional details for risk scoring for Account Info.


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Have Questions?
This is a paragraph that explains how to get help and support with the product.